Post-Darwinism: The New Synthesis
A review of Ecological Developmental Biology: Integrating Epigenetics, Medicine, and Evolution, By Scott F. Gilbert and David Epel (Sunderland,...
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Nationalism, Terrorism, and Religion: A Bio-Historical Approach
Creating a best-case scenario for Sri Lanka.
Spiritism: The Work of Allan Kardec and Its Implications for Spiritual Transformation
Despite the growing discussion about science-spirituality relationships, there remains many problems in integrating spirituality and scientific knowledge. This debate...
God and the Unconscious
I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;I fled Him, down the arches of the years;I fled...
Leeches on the Road to Enlightenment
I have long claimed to practice Buddhist mindfulness, but for me that means filling my mind full with as...
Theism, Atheism and Non-Theism in Buddhism
There are several opinions on the theistic status of Buddhism with the descriptions of Buddhism ranging from atheistic, non...
In His Steps—A Postmodern Edition: An Excerpt from What Would Jesus Deconstruct?
In 1896, Charles Sheldon, a pastor in Topeka, Kansas, wrote a book titled In His Steps.1 The subtitle of...
What Jesus Did: The Incarnation as a More Radical Hermeneutics
Since I’m already clearly on record1 as a friend and fan of John Caputo’s winsome 21st-century rendition of Sheldon’s...
An Ongoing Adventure with WWJD?
A review of "What Would Jesus Deconstruct?: The Good News of Postmodernism for the Church."
The Hermeneutics of the Kingdom of God: John Caputo and the Deconstruction of Christianity
Recent years have witnessed a change in tone within what is still a developing field of continental philosophy of...