Cosmic Voyage
Cosmic Voyage is a 1996 short documentary film that explores the scale of the universe from the quantum level...
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The Shrinking Proton: Particle Is Smaller Than Thought
How many protons can dance on the head of a pin? The answer is nowhere near as straightforward as...
Astronomers Measure Nearby Universe’s ‘Cosmic Fog’
Researchers from the Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet have carried out the first measurement of the intensity of the diffuse extragalactic background...
Astronomers Find Largest Structure in the Universe
An international team of astronomers has found the largest known structure in the universe – a group of quasars...
Gigantic Black Holes Just Got Even Bigger
A number of the largest black holes in the universe may be even bigger than previously thought, researchers say....
New Maps to Rein in Cosmic Inflation
We’re about to get a better grasp of one of the biggest ideas in the universe: inflation. The first...
Most Precise Measurement of Universe’s Expansion Achieved
The most precise measurement ever made of the speed of the universe’s expansion is in, thanks to NASA’s Spitzer...
Source of Monster Black Hole’s Energy Jet Identified
A peek at swirling matter around a giant black hole verifies that it is the source of a monstrous...
Astronomers Measure a Black Hole for the First Time
Astronomers have found a way to measure the size of a black hole. Supermassive black holes reside at the...
Quasars: Mileposts Marking the Universe’s Expansion
Scientists can’t travel deep space the way Columbus sailed and charted the New World or Lewis and Clark mapped...