Newborn Star Study Reveals Never-Before-Seen Stage of Planet Birth
Astronomers studying a newborn star have caught a detailed glimpse of planets forming around it, revealing a never-before seen...
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Another Earth Just 12 Light-Years Away?
Astronomers have discovered what may be five planets orbiting Tau Ceti, the closest single star beyond our solar system...
Exploding Star Missing From Formation of Solar System
A new study challenges the notion that the force of an exploding star forced the formation of the solar...
Ancient Galaxy May Be Most Distant Ever Seen
Astronomers have spotted seven galaxies that existed just a few hundred million years after the universe’s birth, including one...
New Chemical Reaction May Explain Star Formation, Evolution, Death
University of North Dakota scientist Mark Hoffmann’s version of Star Search goes a long way — a very long...
Galaxy Crash Is a Cosmic Bullseye
Some 330 million years ago, a galaxy in our cosmic neighborhood scored a bullseye, shooting right through the heart...
When the First Stars Blinked On
As far back in time as astronomers have been able to see, the universe has had some trace of...
Astronomers See Solar System Being Born
U.S. astronomers say they’ve observed a young star with a rotating dust disk considered the youngest still-forming planetary system...
‘Green Bean’ Galaxies Glow in the Dark
Astronomers have found a galaxy that represents a new type, and falls within the range of active galaxies known...
Dust Grains Highlight the Path to Planet Formation
An international team of researchers studying the characteristics of the protoplanetary disk of the star UX Tauri A, have...