Putting Time in Perspective
Putting Time In Perspective is a series of timelines posted on WaitButWhy.com. Informative and fun, start with your morning...
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Four Reasons You Shouldn’t Exist
You’re almost unfathomably lucky to exist, in almost every conceivable way. Don’t take it the wrong way. You, me,...
Warning Label: Big Pharma meets Big History
Why should Big Pharma invest in Big History? My answer is in the form of a warning label I...
Big History Project Launch
There are big things happening with the Big History Project, an educational initiative started by Bill Gates to create...
DNA storage: The code that could save civilisation
Neither Ewan Birney nor Nick Goldman can remember exactly how they came up with the idea of storing all...
Cosmic Awe
As many of you know, I’m fortunate enough to live in a city that values science and scientific knowledge...
Why Study Humanities? What I Tell Engineering Freshmen
What’s the point of the humanities? Of studying philosophy, history, literature and “soft” sciences like psychology and poly sci?...
The Future of History
Mahyad Tousi is a creative producer, cinematographer, and self-proclaimed story junkie and his resume ranges from Hollywood blockbusters to...
el Universo en un Día
The history of the Universe from the Big Bang to its possible ends en Español from a conference in...
littleBIG History App
littleBIG History is an interactive timeline that lets you explore world history on an unprecedented scale – from the...