Philosophy, Mathematics and Theology Group (PhiMaTh) SophiaEuropa

Philosophy, Mathematics and Theology Group (PhiMaTh) SophiaEuropa

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Mathematics Institute
University of Tübingen

The core working group of this SophiaEuropa initiative brings together faculty from the Universities of Tübingen and Freiburg in fields of mathematics, philosophy, and theology in exploration of the profound impact of mathematics as the language of science and its role for the development of science. Investigations will also link the use of such mathematically based concepts as infinity and demonstration (proof) to historical and contemporary theological thought. Lead conveners maintain that the mutual relation between mathematics and theology is rarely considered with philosophical care, though crucial for the understanding of many aspects of the debate between sciences and faith. Through systematic and historical studies, the group will employ a philosophy of science approach in consideration of central mathematical and theological concepts such as determinism and freedom along with concepts of proof and infinity, in pursuit of the development of a common framework for convening transdisciplinary discussion. Referring to discussions in physical cosmology, evolutionary biology, probability, chance and law, and theories of time explorations will seek the role of mathematics and philosophical foundations in the development of meaning, alongside theological contributions. Aiming to enhance technical knowledge for non-scientists and philosophical clarity and precision for scientists in the group, members endeavor to develop undergraduate and graduate courses, monographic studies, public lectures, workshops, and local, national and international conferences. Matching funds are provided by the University of Tübingen.