Namib Desert Beetle Inspires Self-Filling Water Bottle
A U.S. start-up has turned to nature to help bring water to arid areas by drawing moisture from the...
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The Worldwide Vulnerability of Forests
One of the great scientific tasks of the day is to understand how and why trees die. It may...
Wild Turkeys Gobble Their Way to a Comeback
Wild turkeys and buffalo have more in common than you might guess. Both were important as food for Native...
Most Marine Species Will Be Discovered This Century
As many as two thirds of the species living in our oceans may still be unknown to science, say...
New Fossil Sheds Light on Oldest Known Ancestor of Giant Panda
In May, Dr Juan Abella and colleagues from the Spain’s National Museum of Natural Sciences and the Catalan Institute...
Seaweed-Threatened Corals Send Chemical SOS to Fish
When a killer seaweed touches a kind of spiky coral, the coral pushes a chemical panic button that brings...
Chinese Survey Reveals Widespread Coastal Pollution
Massive declines in coral reefs, mangrove swamps and wetlands.
Humans Caused Historic Great Barrier Reef Collapse
The expansion of European settlement in Australia triggered a massive coral collapse at the Great Barrier Reef more than...
New Zealand Beaching Proves Rarest of Whales Exists
The spade-toothed beaked whale is so rare that nobody has seen one alive, but scientists have proof the species...