Astronomers Find Largest Structure in the Universe
An international team of astronomers has found the largest known structure in the universe – a group of quasars...
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Alien Moons Could Be as Habitable as Exoplanets
Astronomers say they’re hot on the trail of real-life alien moons — which could also potentially be viable candidates...
Amateur Astronomers Discover 42 Alien Planets
A team of amateurs has discovered evidence for 42 alien planets, including a Jupiter-size world that could potentially be...
Data Confirms Largest-Known Spiral Galaxy
An international team of astronomers says analysis of NASA data on a distant stellar system has led them to...
We Likely Wouldn’t See a Doomsday Asteroid Until it Was Too Late
How much warning will we really have if a Near Earth Asteroid (NEO) is about to hit Earth? The...
Finding Another Earth: How Will Scientists Confirm It Exists?
The announcement that astronomers have found a potential alien world that could be the most Earth-like exoplanet yet is...
The Farthest Supernova Yet for Measuring Cosmic History
What if you had a “Wayback Television Set” and could watch an entire month of ancient prehistory unfold before...
New ‘Bone’ in Milky Way Skeleton Discovered
Astronomers have spotted a new component of the Milky Way galaxy’s skeleton — a “bone” of dust and gas...
Black Hole Unleashes Supermassive Belch
While innocently surveying the Cosmos, astronomers serendipitously stumbled across a particularly uncouth galaxy. NGC 660 unleashed an epic belch,...
‘Zombie’ Planet Shocks Scientists With Wild Orbit
The unbalanced orbit of a so-called “zombie planet” in a dusty star system has astronomers struggling to explain the...