The Iron in Our Blood That Keeps and Kills Us
In this search for the origin of one of the world's most common genetic diseases, emerging research in evolutionary...
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Stem Cell Method Allows Blind Mice to See Again
Blind mice can see again, after Oxford University researchers transplanted developing cells into their eyes and found they could...
Cheap, Easy Technique to Snip DNA Could Revolutionize Gene Therapy
A simple, precise and inexpensive method for cutting DNA to insert genes into human cells could transform genetic medicine,...
Earthworms Roped Into Making Quantum Dots
Ordinary earthworms are proving to be a sophisticated chemistry lab: they can put together substances with unusual light-emitting properties....
Researchers Unlock Ancient Secret of Chinese Medicine
For over a millennium the Chinese have used an herb known as Chang Shan to treat fevers associated with...
Fat Influences Production, Survival Decisions Taken By Brain Cells
Scientists at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified two molecules that play an important role in the survival and...
Source of Evolutionary Differences Among Species Uncovered
University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine researchers have uncovered a genetic basis for fundamental differences between humans and other...
Ancient Bones That Tell a Story of Compassion
While it is a painful truism that brutality and violence are at least as old as humanity, so, it...
New Form of Cell Division Found
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center have discovered a new form of cell division in human...