Perceived Reality: Space
One summer night when I was outdoors, I stared skyward in reflection and pictured myself in an all powerful...
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Meaning through Transdisciplinary Knowledge
Introduction Time has passed since 1959 when C. P. Snow formulated the concept of two cultures – scientific and...
The Notion of Events and Three Ways of Knowing
The Notion of Events and Three Ways of Knowing: Problems with mentalistic explanations, free will, self, soul, and intrinsic...
Why Religion Matters and How Religion Should Matter
1. Professor Huston Smith has elegantly summarized the essence of the Science-Religion dialogue in the following terms: “My favorite...
Four Dimensions of the Scientific Tradition
It is crucial to identify the salient features of distinct aspects: science itself, the philosophical view known as scientific...
Confessions of a Trinitarian Evolutionist
Thomas Jay Oord interviews German Lutheran theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg.
Alternative Covenants
From: George Ellis … I fully accept ontological uncertainty. This has lead me to realise that there is a...
An Ecology of Knowledge
The purpose of this paper is to outline some contributions that “ecofeminism” can make to the science and religion...
A modest epistemology
I am delighted that the organizers of the “Future Visions” Conference chose to include a session on “Complementary...
Mind the Light
Mind the Light Plenary remarks to the State of the World Forum, New York, NY September 2000 <http://www.worldforum.org>. ...