Four Reasons You Shouldn’t Exist
You’re almost unfathomably lucky to exist, in almost every conceivable way. Don’t take it the wrong way. You, me,...
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Are We Martians After All?
If you looked in a mirror this morning, you may have seen a descendant of creatures from Mars. That...
Mass extinctions: Small but deadly
AS EVERY schoolchild knows, the dinosaurs were wiped out in an instant, when a rock from outer space hit...
Changing View on Viruses: Not So Small After All
There was a time not that long ago when it was easy to tell the difference between viruses and...
The Surprising Origins of Life’s Complexity
Charles Darwin was not yet 30 when he got the basic idea for the theory of evolution. But it...
Praise Darwin! (an evolution revival with Charlie Varon)
Comedian Charlie Varon "saves" his audience from worldly despair. Fourteen minutes of entertainment and scientific education culminates in a...
The Scrotum Is Nuts
Soccer fans call it brave goalkeeping, the act of springing into a star shape in front of an attacker...
Dinosaur Extinction & Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Most Likely Coincided, Study Says
The idea that a cosmic impact ended the age of dinosaurs in what is now Mexico now has fresh...
Beloved Immortals: Science, Miracles and ‘Jellyfish Time’
What is biological immortality? To be fair, it’s not the promise of a paradisiacal garden. Neither is it the...