Quantum Test Pricks Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is in part an embodiment of the idea that in the quantum world, the mere...
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Record Laser Pulse the Key to Hidden Quantum World
The most significant breakthrough in the laser pulse field in four years provides scientists with a new tool to...
Can We Live Without Free Will?
New research has reignited the debate about whether humans truly have free will. But what difference would it make...
Theorists Feast on Higgs Data
The popping of champagne corks may have subsided since scientists presented convincing evidence for the existence of the long-sought...
Steven Weinberg: Why the Higgs Boson Matters
The announcement that the “Higgs boson” had been discovered at the CERN laboratory in Geneva made news around the...
A Blip That Speaks of Our Place in the Universe
It is natural for those not deeply involved in the half-century quest for the Higgs Boson – one of...
Why “Big Science” Is Worth the Cost
Physicists at CERN delivered big news when they announced the almost certain discovery of the Higgs boson — the...
Physicists Find New Particle, but Is it the Higgs?
Physicists in Europe will present evidence of an entirely new particle on July 4, Nature has learned. But more...
God Particle Announcement Looms
Scientists from CERN will announce on July 4 whether the tantalizing “hints” of the Higgs Boson which they presented...
The Big Bang Didn’t Need God to Start the Universe
Our universe could have popped into existence 13.7 billion years ago without any divine help whatsoever, researchers say. That...