Meet Shiri, the Freakishly Realistic Robotic Buttocks
In the future, when our kids’ kids are studying the origins of cybernetic humans, they will learn that one...
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LHC Prepares for Data Pile-Up
The world’s largest particle accelerator is roaring along at an unprecedented pace, delivering torrents of data to its physicist...
Better Safe Than Sorry: Why We Believe In Tempting Fate
There are certain laws of nature everyone accepts. The surest way to bring about rain on an overcast day...
LHC is Back With Big Energy Boost
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is operating again after its winter break. At the beginning of April, opposing stable...
On Free Will, the Singularity and the Quest to Crack Consciousness
From John Horgan’s Cross-Check blog at SciAm: A professor at Caltech, Christof Koch helped popularize consciousness as a topic for...
What Science Wants to Know
Ignorance will always grow faster than knowledge. Scientists and laypeople alike would agree that for all we have come...
Is Free Will an Illusion?
A hot topic for several thousand years, the question of whether free will exists may never be settled to...
Not So Fast: Second Experiment Refutes Superluminal Particles
Anyone who bet against Einstein better get out their wallet. That’s because those supposedly faster-than-light particles that shook up...
The Mystifying History of Neutrino Experiments
Late last year, scientists with the OPERA collaboration in Gran Sasso, Italy reported an incredible finding: neutrinos that appeared...
Antimatter Goes Under the Microscope
The antimatter version of the hydrogen atom could soon finally give up its secrets. Scientists expect that antihydrogen will...