Beyond Higgs: on Supersymmetry (or Lack Thereof)
With the search for the Higgs boson, the last missing piece of the Standard Model of particle physics, apparently...
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Physics Community Afire With Rumors of Higgs Boson Discovery
One of the biggest debuts in the science world could happen in a matter of weeks: The Higgs boson...
Rudimentary Liver Grown in vitro
Japanese scientists have used induced stem cells to create a liver-like tissue in a dish. Although they have yet...
Science Can Do More for Sustainable Development
The message from Rio+20 is for practical action to deliver existing targets. Scientists must identify and overcome barriers to...
Potential Cracks in the Standard Model of Particle Physics
Recently analyzed data from the BaBar experiment may suggest possible flaws in the Standard Model of particle physics, the...
Missing Neutrons May Be Visiting Parallel Universe
Neutrons may be traveling from our universe into parallel worlds and back again, according to a new theory that...
CERN Confirms Neutrinos Don’t Break Light Speed
Neutrinos are most definitely not faster than light after all, says CERN. The laws of physics got the good...
What-If and What-Is: The Role of Speculation in Science
Speculation is an essential part of science, but how does it fit in? Two recent publications, both about the...
‘Tractor Beams’ of Light Pull Small Objects Towards Them
‘Tractor beams’ of light that pull objects towards them are no longer science fiction. Haifeng Wang at the A*STAR...
Hidden Fingerprint of Weapons-Grade Plutonium Finally Found
After 50 years of searching, physicists have spotted the fingerprint of radioactive plutonium, revealing the secrets of this complex...