Seminario Interdisciplinario de Investigación Sobre el Humano: Ciencia, Filosofía y Teología (SIISHCFT) Interdisciplinary Seminar of Research on the Human Being: Science, Philosophy and Theology
Universidad Intercontinental Mexico City This group enlists members of local academic and faith communities to explore the intersection of...
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Group Discussion of Science and Religion in Bioethics
Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores, S.C. (Universidad Anáhuac) Mexico City This society brings together academics representing fields of philosophy, ethics,...
Foro de Diálogo Ciencia y Fe (Dialogue Forum on Science and Faith)
Sociedad Educativa Champagnat, A.C.Universidad Marista de San Luis Potosí Located in central México, San Luis Potosí has a long...
Creating Opportunities for Dialogue: Issues of Science and Faith
Southwestern Ontario Chapter University of Western Ontario London, Ontario As a local chapter of the Canadian Scientific Christian Affiliation,...
Extending the Resource Network for the Science and Religion Dialogue
Hamilton Area Science & Religion ForumMcMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Formally organized as a local section of the Canadian Scientific...
Science and Faith in the New Millennium
Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation Waterloo, Ontario The Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation is a national fellowship of scientists,...
Vancouver Area Science and Religion Forum
Trinity Western UniversityLangley, British Columbia This project brings together members of a chapter of the Canadian Scientific and Christian...
Dialogue Engaging Faith, Science and the Environment
Faith and Environment A Rocha Canada, A Rocha International Vancouver, British Columbia This group brings together members of local...
Forum for Dialogue Between Science and Religion
University of TorontoToronto, Ontario In conjunction with the Hindu Institute of Learning and the University of Toronto, this group...