Baranzano Society
DeSales University Center Valley, Pennsylvania This Local Society is geographically situated in a region where healthcare is a major...
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Science & Religion Discussion Group of Northwest Pennsylvania
Mercyhurst College Erie and Meadville, Pennsylvania The Science and Religion Discussion Group of Northwestern Pennsylvania consists of primarily three...
Arizona Forum for Science and Religion
Canyon Institute for Advanced Studies Phoenix, Arizona Designed to be a permanent entity within the Canyon Institute, this society...
Science and Religion in Dialogue at Yale
The Episcopal Church at Yale New Haven, Connecticut Science and Religion in Dialogue is a program aimed at fostering a...
Baconian Society of Union University
Union University Jackson, Tennessee The Society for Science-Faith Dialogue is an organization open to membership by faculty, students, professionals,...
TSF Local Societies Initiative
Torah Science Foundation Los Angeles, California This program is focused on promoting “city-wide community activities in Los Angeles devoted...
TREES Local Societies Initiative
Theological Roundtable on Ecological Ethics and Spirituality (TREES) Graduate Theological Union Berkeley, California This society seeks to expand the...
Society on Science and Faith at Valley Forge
Valley Forge Christian College Phoenixville, Pennsylvania Launching an “enduring forum for promoting the constructive engagement of issues at the...
Religion and Science Faculty Group of the Washington Theological Consortium
Washington Theological Consortium Washington D.C. Comprised of the Science and Religion Faculty Group of the WTC, in consultation with...
Morningside Heights Dialogue on Science and Religion
Center for the Study of Science and Religion Columbia University New York, New York This three-fold proposal involves Columbia...