Imagining the Invisible
On a recent visit to Pioneer Works in the Brooklyn Red Hook neighborhood, I heard a lecture by Matthew...
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Quantum Computer to Log Onto Quantum Internet
When it comes to data crunching, quantum computers will leave today’s fastest processors in the dust. For starters, a...
Magnetic Logic Makes for Mutable Computer Chips
Software can transform a computer from a word processor to a number cruncher to a video telephone. But the...
Europe Gives 2 Billion Euros to Science
Research projects investigating the “miracle material” graphene and the human brain have won unprecedented funding of up to 1...
No Explanation for Pulsar With Split Personality
A pulsar that randomly and without warning dramatically changes its pattern of radio wave and X-ray emissions has surprised...
DARPA to Put Laser Turrets on Fighter Jets Next Year
Our first foray into laser-equipped combat aircraft was the Airborne Laser Testbed, a Boeing 747 with a gigantic chemically-pumped...
Robot Makers Spread Global Gospel of Automation
The robot equipment industry has one word for the alarmist articles and television news programs that predict a robot...
Shakespeare, Thou Art Stored in DNA
The stuff we’re made of may be the means by which we store information that we want kept around...
Science Stakes: Britain’s Crowded Public-Science Scene Must Evolve
Since 1799, the Royal Institution of Great Britain has occupied a grand building in London’s Mayfair, surrounded today by...
NIH: All but 50 Research Chimps Should Be Retired
All but about 50 of hundreds of research chimpanzees belonging to the National Institutes of Health should be retired...