New Form of Cell Division Found
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center have discovered a new form of cell division in human...
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A More Human Artificial Brain
The latest attempt to build machines that can learn to recognize objects or even develop cognitive skills is caled...
Award-Winning Pictures of the Tiniest Things on Earth
This incredible image of fern spores is just one of the many mind-blowing images that won the Olympus BioScapes...
Life Lessons in Space
In 2015, Nasa astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko will spend a year onboard the International Space...
Dying to Make Greener Batteries
A common and ancient plant dye could replace cobalt and help deliver greener lithium-ion batteries, according to an American...
Do We Live in a Computer Simulation?
A decade ago, a British philosopher put forth the notion that the universe we live in might in fact...
Pope Follows Himself in Twitter Echo Chamber
Just in time for the Christmas holiday, Vatican Radio announced that Pope Benedict XVI will be launching a new...
Hawking, CERN Scientists Win Huge Physics Prize
Russian billionaire Yuri Milner’s Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation is awarding two special prizes of $3 million each to British...
Open Access to Scientific Research Can Save Lives
This year a high-school student in Maryland announced that he had invented a diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer. The...
1990 Climate Change Predictions Turn Out to Be Accurate
In a blow to those people who believe that global warming predictions are just a lot of hot air,...