Mystery Cloud at Milky Way’s Center May Hold Clues to Star Birth
Near the crowded center of a mysteriously dense galactic cloud, where billowing clouds of gas and dust cloak a...
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Astronomers Find Largest Structure in the Universe
An international team of astronomers has found the largest known structure in the universe – a group of quasars...
Alien Moons Could Be as Habitable as Exoplanets
Astronomers say they’re hot on the trail of real-life alien moons — which could also potentially be viable candidates...
Data Confirms Largest-Known Spiral Galaxy
An international team of astronomers says analysis of NASA data on a distant stellar system has led them to...
The Farthest Supernova Yet for Measuring Cosmic History
What if you had a “Wayback Television Set” and could watch an entire month of ancient prehistory unfold before...
New ‘Bone’ in Milky Way Skeleton Discovered
Astronomers have spotted a new component of the Milky Way galaxy’s skeleton — a “bone” of dust and gas...
Black Hole Unleashes Supermassive Belch
While innocently surveying the Cosmos, astronomers serendipitously stumbled across a particularly uncouth galaxy. NGC 660 unleashed an epic belch,...
‘Zombie’ Planet Shocks Scientists With Wild Orbit
The unbalanced orbit of a so-called “zombie planet” in a dusty star system has astronomers struggling to explain the...
Atom Smasher Hiatus Sets Stage for More Discovery
The Large Hadron Collider will operate for two more months then shut down through 2014, allowing engineers to lay...
Double-Star Systems Can Be Dangerous for Exoplanets
Alien planets born in widely separated two-star systems face a grave danger of being booted into interstellar space, a...