Theology and Evolution: How Much Can Biology Explain?
A keynote lecture by John Haught at the 2006 “Beyond Intelligent Design” symposium. The lecture is followed by a...
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Beyond Intelligent Design
In this lecture, William Grassie proposes that we focus science education more on what happened when than on how...
The Idea of Design in Nature: Science or Phenomenology?
Introduction When it comes to debating the idea of design in nature I think it is important to note...
Review of Holmes Rolston’s “Genes, Genesis, and God”
Holmes Rolston, III is a well-known philosopher who has written extensively on both the philosophy of religion and on...
Review of Delvin Lee Ratzsch’s “The Battle of Beginning”
The author wishes to clarify the confusions that exist on both sides of the creation-evolution debate.
Intelligent Design Debate and the Rehabilitation of Analogical Knowledge
The Intelligent Design theory is based on a valid form of reasoning and is essential to the proper understanding...
How Not to Detect Design: A review of William Dembski’s “The Design Inference”
Branden Fitelson, Christopher Stephens, and Elliott Sober review William Dembski’s 1998 book __Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities__(Cambridge:...
The Wizards of ID
In his article “Who’s Got the Magic?” (Dembski, Metaviews 042, 2000), William Dembski discusses my book Tower of Babel:...
Wrongly Inferred Design
When claiming to having scientific evidence of Intelligent Design (ID), one of the arguments most often cited by ID...
(D)evolving Catholic Perspectives on Creation
When you gotta go, you gotta go. In the men’s room after Michael Behe’s opening talk at a recent...