Disciplining the Transdisciplinary: The Religion-Science Revolution and Five Minds for the Future
Introduction In the public mind, religion/science is generally believed to be an “interdisciplinary field.” If one is to understand...
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The Hermeneutics of Transdisciplinarity: A Gadamerian Model of Transversal Reasoning
Introduction Eric Weislogel has recently argued that the increasing hyper-specialization of higher education is creating a unique challenge for...
The Transdisciplinary Logic of Transdisciplinarity
Introduction. Logic and Contradiction Transdisciplinarity is about man, man and the reality of which he is a part. Transdisciplinarity...
A Long-Standing Tradition of Transdisciplinarity and the Usual Suspects
Hyper-specialisation is a rather recent problem of modern societies. In distinction from traditional philosophical approaches to reality, post-modern thinking...
Cosmic Optimism: From the Principle of Maximum Diversity to Path Optimization
Before we turn to the Principle of Maximum Diversity, we review the development of the Principle of Least Action...
Transdisciplinarity and the Development of an Integrated Model of Personhood, Health, and Wellness
Good health and well being require a clean and harmonious environment in which physical, physiological, social and aesthetic factors...
The Windows of Perception
IntroductionA driving conceit of modern psychology is that the brain somehow creates consciousness. Of course, no one is quite...
Johannes Kepler – A Life for Science and Religion (Dedicated to Walter Thirring for his 80th Birthday
I. INTRODUCTION In western science Johannes Kepler was the turning point from a magical-alchemistic to a rational-mathematical conception of...
Mathematics, Science, and Spirituality
For a layman, mathematics started with the numerals. It is the science of numbers and their operations. We associate...
Environmentalism and the opposition ‘science versus religion’
1. The earliest culture formed a uniform system where what today we define as science, magic, mythology and religion,...