Christianity, Arts and Monasticism in a Technological Age SophiaEuropa
Glenstal AbbeyCounty LimerickIreland This SophiaEuropa group brings together participants from diverse fields in sciences, humanities and the arts to...
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Debreceni Természettudomány és Teológia Központ [DTTK] Science and Theology Centre in Debrecen
Debrecen University of Reformed Theology Debrecen Debrecen, Hungary is a city of 21,000 university students. A core group of...
3 Cultures Group
Department of History and Philosophy of Science Eötvös University Budapest The program is a multi-lateral, open and public dialog...
CEU Interdepartmental Forum on Religion
Central European University Budapest Born of a desire to address the lack of a forum for bringing together intersecting...
Jesenius Center for Science and Religion/Tudomány és Hit Jesenius Központ
Evangelical-Lutheran Theological University Károli Gáspár Reformed University Budapest Comprised of scholars in theology, geology, mathematics, computer science, and physics...
Arbeitskreis Naturwissenschaft und Theologie Working Group in Science and Theology
Evangelische Akademie Iserlohn This society stems from a project founded in 1971 by the synod and the leading church...
Religion and Health in a Local Context Psychology of Religion Research Group
Center for Psychobiological and Psychosomatic Research University of Trier Psychosomatic Clinic, St. Franziska-Stift Bad Kreuznach This society aims to promote...
Section for the Evaluation of Complementary Medicine
Samueli Institute, European Office Institute of Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology University Hospital Freiburg Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg This interdisciplinary group of...
BIOS – Grenzfragen des Leben
Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz Mainz BIOS is a transdisciplinary, transcultural group consisting of thirteen core members from fields of...
Institut für Naturwissenschaftlische Grenzfragen zur Philosophie und Theologie Institute for Boundary Questions in Science, Philosophy and Theology
Hochschule für Philosophie München Munich Founded in the Philosophical Faculty of the Jesuit College of Philosophy, this society fosters...