Naturwissenschaft und Glaube e.V. (Natural Science and Religious Belief)
Köln As part of a nonprofit organization in existence since 2001, this society brings together members to organize weekend...
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Science-Human Being-Religion
Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain Schmitten, Hessen This society brings together theologians, clergy, medical practitioners, mathematicians, ethicists, and scientists for a...
Research Group in Science, Philosophy and Religion
Institute for Philosophy and Religion Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt This group has established an active society in the setting...
Forum Boundary Questions
Akademie der Diozese Rottenburg-StuttgartStuttgart This forum, founded in February 2001, deals with the fundamental questions that arise when engaging...
Arbeitskreis Naturwissenschaft-Theology
University of Giessen Evangelische Studentinnen-und Studentengemeinde Giessen In existence since 2000, this program expanded its offerings to the academic...
Project Nouveau Regard-New Outlook Project
L’Abbaye de Wisques (Saint Paul de Wisques Abbey) and Université Interdisciplinaire de Paris (Interdisciplinary University of Paris) Paris Established...
Collegium of Science and Religion at the University of Tartu
University of Tartu Tartu The Collegium was founded in February 2002, to “take up a tradition which was forgotten...
Forum Teologi Naturvidenskab / Danish Science-Theology Forum
University of Aarhus Aarhus This group, numbering over 200 individuals, has existed since 1980. A series of 8 public...
Copenhagen Network for Science and Religion: Forum For Existence and Science
University of Copenhagen Copenhagen The Copenhagen Network combines the collaborative efforts of three interacting groups: The Copenhagen Research Priority...
Process, Person and Society: From Conflict to Interagency SophiaEuropa
Department of Philosophy and Communication Aarhus University Aarhus Members participating in the society are theologians, philosophers specializing in ontology,...