Arbeitskreis Naturwissenschaft-Theology

Arbeitskreis Naturwissenschaft-Theology

University of Giessen
Evangelische Studentinnen-und Studentengemeinde

In existence since 2000, this program expanded its offerings to the academic and spiritual community. Initially, there were two working discussion groups consisting of a group of professors and a group of doctoral and post-doc students at the university, which are now augmented by inviting members of other area universities to meetings. High-level lecturers are invited for some of the presentations sharing their expertise on issues such as physics and philosophy; mathematics; globalization; stem cell questions and ethic issues in biotechnology; and neuroscience. Public lectures and seminars are presented, with good attendance from the academic community, but the program has now expanded to involve weekend seminars and larger offerings. One such plan includes utilizing the venue of the Interactive Museum of Mathematics in Giessen to present lectures and an exhibition exploring science, mathematics, and religion. The expansion of a resource library, including contemporary texts on the many subjects related to religion and science, as well as an Internet forum for continued discussion and exploration also enhances and enlivens the discussion. Once per semester, a publication outlining events and current issues is also produced.