State of the World’s Science
The pursuit of knowledge is now a global enterprise. Scientific American and Nature have teamed up on this special...
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NASA Crashes Twin Probes Into the Moon
NASA concluded its Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) moon mission by crashing two probes into the lunar surface...
‘Marine’ Fossils May Instead Represent Early Land Dwellers
The fossils of various frondlike and sacklike organisms that supposedly lived at the bottom of ancient oceans may actually...
James Gates: The Pain and Pleasures of Science
As a ball rolled down an incline, young Sylvester James Gates, along with the other students in his class,...
Open Access to Scientific Research Can Save Lives
This year a high-school student in Maryland announced that he had invented a diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer. The...
Omnipotence Needs No Defense and Other Obvious Theological Truths
Egypt is at the crossroads. Its emerging constitution, however, betrays the brightest hopes of the so-called Arab Spring. A...