World Record for the Entanglement of Twisted Light Quanta
A research team led by the University of Vienna has developed a new method for entangling single photons that...
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The Higgs, Boltzmann Brains, and Monkeys Typing Hamlet
Amir D. Aczel blogs about physics and cosmology for Discover’s Crux: If somebody told you that there are angels...
Technology Close to Cracking Oldest Undeciphered Writing System
Scientists from the University of Oxford and the University of Southampton have created a technique called reflectance transformation imaging...
Remembering Paul Kurtz
Herb Silverman for On Faith’s Guest Voices, reflecting on the life and contributions of Paul Kurtz, who died October...
David Deutsch: Constructor Theory
There’s a notorious problem with defining information within physics, namely that on the one hand information is purely abstract,...
Breakthrough Offers New Route to Large-Scale Quantum Computing
In a key step toward creating a working quantum computer, Princeton researchers have developed a method that may allow...
Digging Up the Early Universe
Cosmologists are uncovering relics from the dawn of time, letting them look back almost all the way to the...
No, Global Warming Hasn’t ‘Stopped’
A recent article, in the London tabloid Daily Mail, reports: “The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago,...
A Nobel That Points Us Toward Our Quantum Future
Scientists like to think that true measures of our understanding are our ability to predict something, and, in experimental...