Vortex 2
Inspired by physics, I use the lines of colliding atomic particles to explore a new language of abstraction. Fusing...
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Petri Dish Installation
These installations are meant to embrace biotechnology and advances in science.
I was with my mother when she died a quarter of a century ago. As the terrible moment approached, she...
My initial study in microbiology and my interest in the history of architecture have resulted in works informed by...
Everywhere you look, there is a hidden world that is unseen to the naked eye. Each plant, animal, speck...
Paradox of Plankton
Planktonic microbes constitute the base of aquatic ecosystems. Protists are typical of the plankton as species richness seems unreasonably...
Intelligence Design
This is a pyramidal neuron from the hippocampus, a part of the brain where some kinds of memories are...
Glycine Crystals From Water Seen Under a Polarization Microscope
From a series of microscope images exploring the surface beauty of insects and animals (butterfly wing scales, beetles' forewings)...
Neutron Star Scattering off a Super Massive Black Hole
Dense star environments can cause amazingly intricate patterns.