Our Impending Cyborg Future: A Pause for Reflection
Much of the attention garnered by transhumanism revolves around its most expansive hopes for the technological enhancement of human...
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Synopsis: The Views of Spiritual Healers
We have been studying spiritual healers for five years. We have interviewed healers from a wide spectrum. This includes...
From Stephen Hawking’s Flexiverse to Synchronicity: Intimations of Our Transhuman Future
INTRODUCTION I believe it is possible that we may be at the same stage in discovering new laws of...
The Universe between the Need of Faith and the Need of Knowledge:Four Centuries of Scientific Astronomy
I. KEY MOMENTS IN ASTRONOMY Astronomy is one of the most ancient domains of human knowledge. From ancient times,...
Question of Methodology of Scientific Theories of Complex Reality
In the sensible efforts which are being made to develop the contemporaneous methodology of the natural sciences, the following...
H-: Engaging Transhumanism: A Critical Historical Perspective
Technology is transforming human life at a faster pace than ever before. The convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, information...
Epistemology and Cosmology in Neoplatonism: Is Cognition a Mind-Body-Problem?
One philosophical approach to tell the “whole story of the whole cosmos for the whole person” requires finding an...
“A Mirror up to Nature”: Cosmos, Nature, and Culture in Shakespeare
Introduction In Act III of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the prince, somewhat presumptuously, instructs a troupe of traveling players in the...
Science and the Inescapability of Metaphysics
The last three centuries have witnessed the great rise of the empirical sciences, such as physics and biology. Indeed,...
The Place of Biology in Cosmology
“Teleology is a lady without whom no biologist can live. Yet he is ashamed to show himself with her...