Religion, Culture, and the Personification of Non-Human Entities
Human beings are intensely relational and the desire for pleasant interactions with others is a fundamental human motive (Baumeister...
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Hegel and the Philosophy of Nature – Renewing the Speculative Idea
Man, because he is Mind, should and must deem himself worthyof the highest; he cannot think too highly of...
Critical Comments on Reductionism in Physical Sciences
Introduction Transfer of ideas, concepts and paradigms and their application in different disciplines has been a normal and usually...
Enemy of Nature or Steward of Biodiversity?: The Role of Human Disturbance in Fostering Biodiversity
INTRODUCTION Today as never before, humans dominate the planet. We number in the billions and enjoy longer and more...
Freewill, Determinism, and the Illusion of Purpose: A Compatibilist Conception of Meaning and Purpose
Introduction It has been said that a donkey standing equidistant between identical piles of hay would result in the...
Seeing Beginnings: Buber, Levinas, and the Original Encounter
Here and only here are we “We”. Here we are actively familiar with the cosmos through our co-operation,...
The Machine in the Ghost?
Life-like machines are beginning to appear. During a panel discussion in the year 2000, John McCarthy, the computer science...
The Cognitive Agent
The concept of agent has many uses in philosophical discussions. Epidemiologist assume different characteristic of agents from the ones...
A Transdisciplinary Perspective Viewed through Anabaptist Eyes
Introduction to Theme This paper presents two claims: (1) Attachment is a universal thread that holds the fabric of...
Wolfgang Pauli’s Journey Inward
Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the...