- October 11, 2011
Baconian Society of Union University
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreUnion University Jackson, Tennessee The Society for Science-Faith Dialogue is an organization open to membership by faculty, students, professionals, and others interested in the science-faith dialogue. The Society will encourage, facilitate, and promote the science-faith dialogue within the Union University community, among sister institutions of higher learning, and throughout the broader scientific and religious communities of West Tennessee. In addition
0 - October 11, 2011
TSF Local Societies Initiative
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreTorah Science Foundation Los Angeles, California This program is focused on promoting “city-wide community activities in Los Angeles devoted to the study and diffusion of religion and science issues,” including academicians, students, members of area synagogues, and the public-at-large. Topics explored include Kabbalah in relation to origins, physics, chemistry, and photosynthesis, with other topics to be identified and explored as
- October 11, 2011
TREES Local Societies Initiative
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreTheological Roundtable on Ecological Ethics and Spirituality (TREES) Graduate Theological Union Berkeley, California This society seeks to expand the awareness of GTU, UC Berkeley, and the surrounding community to eco-justice issues. Topics covered include scientific and faith based views on population, consumption, economics, global warming, toxicity, genetically modified organisms, and environmental racism. The group endeavors to consider these matters from
- October 11, 2011
Society on Science and Faith at Valley Forge
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreValley Forge Christian College Phoenixville, Pennsylvania Launching an “enduring forum for promoting the constructive engagement of issues at the nexus of theology and the natural sciences”, this society invites academics, administrators, teachers, students, professionals, a broad representation of congregations, and the general public to join in public lectures, symposia, workshops, and the use of video and web resources. Development of
- October 11, 2011
Religion and Science Faculty Group of the Washington Theological Consortium
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreWashington Theological Consortium Washington D.C. Comprised of the Science and Religion Faculty Group of the WTC, in consultation with the Gaithersburg, MD, Science and Religion Group, this society is developing a series of “lesson/discussion guides” addressing educated perspectives of the major issues of science and religion to promote interactive group exploration. A series of public events are offered to present
- October 11, 2011
Morningside Heights Dialogue on Science and Religion
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreCenter for the Study of Science and Religion Columbia University New York, New York This three-fold proposal involves Columbia faculty, area faculty, and the surrounding community in bridging “the gap between the academy and the community by facilitating science and religion dialogue on three levels.” The first tier involves the development of an advisory committee, broadly representative of faculties of
- October 11, 2011
McPherson College Center for Religion and Science
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreMcPherson CollegeMcPherson Ministerial Alliance McPherson, Kansas This society represents a diversity of professionals in the fields of science and religion including members of the academic community, clergy and the community at large. The group brings together members through a series of dinner discussions and book talks, exploring the bioethical issues at the end of life and other topics at the
- October 11, 2011
Awe Inspiring Experiences: Natural, Unnatural, and Supernatural
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreUniversity of California, Los Angeles This interdisciplinary group convenes to explore the many aspects of awe-inspiring experiences with the aim of understanding the human ability to experience awe. The working group, representing scholars of religion, culture, politics, neuroscience, anthropology, psychiatry, psychology, biology, and communication endeavors to develop and present an undergraduate course on their findings, and will present these findings
- October 11, 2011
Campus Chapel / Center for Faith & Scholarship
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreUniversity of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Through a combination of study, reading groups, science literacy sessions, seminars, lectures, and a science-religion resource center this project is designed to provide a comprehensive base for informed discussion and exploration. The core group combines a diverse representation of eight area churches and five departments at the University and promotes all activities for open
- October 11, 2011
Tradition Confronts Innovation
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreHillel at the University of Penn Orthodox Community at Penn Philadelphia, Pennsylvania With the wide-reaching support of Hillel of Greater Philadelphia, the Orthodox Community at Penn (OCP) opens this project not only to its core constituency but to all members of the university community. This student led society meets monthly to explore spirituality and science as it relates not only
- October 11, 2011
Wilmington College Local Society
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreWilmington CollegeWilmington, Ohio Members of this society consider issues of science and religion from a Quaker perspective of inquiry. The group addresses particularly the scientific specialties of Wilmington College in agriculture, ecology and biology. Aiming to develop both on campus and community initiatives, membership invites participation from area Quaker meetings and other faith-based organizations. The work aims to develop of
- October 11, 2011
The Healing Initiative
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreHellenic College / Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Brookline, Massachusetts This society is sponsored by the Institute of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion (IMPR), a non-profit institute established in 2002. The Institute facilitates interdisciplinary dialogue among psychologists, medical doctors, and religious and pastoral counselors through research, publications, and dialogue in workshops and focus groups. The group’s goal is to
- October 11, 2011
SLU Interdisciplinary Science and Religion Study Group
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreSoutheastern Louisiana University Hammond, Louisiana This project addresses historical and contemporary issues in religion and science through a variety of events. At the base of its efforts is fostering an on-going dialogue through a multiplicity of venues: discussion groups, public lectures, and faculty research presentations. Beyond dialogue, the society also seeks to educate those who will educate. Southeastern trains future
- October 11, 2011
Faith and Science: A Parish Dialogue
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreChurch of the NativityRaleigh, North Carolina Faith and Science: A Parish Dialogue is a parish program bringing together an active core membership representing clergy, professionals in business management, neurology, medical research, biochemistry, and the pharmaceutical industry and includes the wider parish community of physicians, nurses, lawyers, artists, engineers, research scientists, educators and full time parents. Fostering collaborations and support from
- October 11, 2011
The Healers Council
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreThe Institute for Religion and Health at Texas Medical Center Houston, Texas Bringing together medical scientists, theologians, anthropologists, bioethicists, and healers from a broad range of traditions, this society pursues the development of an ongoing dialogue in the field of medical care that recognizes the importance of spiritual and religious perspectives to health and healing. Core members meet monthly to
- October 11, 2011
Dialogues Concerning Science and Natural Religion
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreClaremont School of Theology Center for Process Studies Claremont, California The Center for Process Studies was founded in 1973 by John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin to encourage exploration of the relevance of process thought across diverse fields of research, reflection, and action. The goal of the LSI program, “Dialogues Concerning Science and Natural Religion, “ is to
- October 11, 2011
Religion and Science Roundtable
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreSt. Andrews Presbyterian College Laurinburg, North Carolina Monthly gatherings take place during the academic year including faculty, students, community members, and members of area faith communities. The “two-fold aim” of the program includes sustaining an enduring conversation and intimately including students in the discussions. To support these goals, each year, three gifted students are identified to receive a modest fellowship
- October 11, 2011
Synodical Task Force on Science and Religion
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreEast Central Synod of Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)Oshkosh, Wisconsin This project is designed as a prototype format with the aim of serving as a “consultant, presenter, and model” for the other 64 ELCA Synods. The society promotes “literacy” in modern issues in science and religion at all levels and ages within the Synod. Their plan focuses on
- October 11, 2011
Center for the Study of Health, Religion and Spirituality
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreIndiana State UniversityTerre Haute, Indiana The Center for the Study of Health, Religion and Spirituality was formed in December 2002 with faculty from Psychology, Counseling, Nursing, Life Sciences, and the Terre Haute Center for Medical Education. The mission of the Center is to promote conversation and scholarship regarding the interrelationships between religion, spirituality, values, ethics, meaning making, and physical and
- October 11, 2011
Religion and Reason: Unifying Rationality and Spirituality
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreUnited Protestant Campus Ministry (UPCaM) Cleveland, Ohio With a mutual respect for widely diverse views, Religion and Reason “seeks to open a dialogue between open-minded individuals in Cleveland’s religious and scientific communities, focusing on the shared bond of the awesomeness of life and the world in which we must learn to live with others in ways that are peaceful and
- October 11, 2011
Kansas City Religion and Science Dialogue Project
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreSecond Presbyterian Church Kansas City, Missouri This Local Society draws its participants from among the members and staff of the Second Presbyterian Church, which is the group’s host institution, as well as from the faculty, staff, and students of Rockhurst University, the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Saint Paul School of Theology, and the Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering and
- October 11, 2011
Lincoln Forum on Science and Religion
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreNebraska Citizens for Science Lincoln, Nebraska The Center for the Advancement of Rational Solutions (CARS) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to engage experts and the public in a spirited dialogue. The Lincoln Forum on Science and Religion brings together an interdisciplinary group, of representatives of various religions and
- October 11, 2011
Seattle Initiative in Science and Religion Dialogue
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreSeattle Pacific University Seattle, Washington This Initiative is an effort to broaden and strengthen academic-based dialogue concerning the relationship of science and religion in the Seattle area, with an initial focus on Seattle Pacific University, Seattle University, and the University of Washington. The Initiative sponsors structures and events that provide opportunities for students and faculty to gather in interdisciplinary dialogue
- October 11, 2011
Science and Religion: Faculty, Students and Benedictines in Conversation
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreSt. John’s University Collegeville, Minnesota This society brings together monks, students and faculty from the university, the College of St. Benedictine, St. John’s Seminary and the Abbey of St. John the Baptist to form this dynamic and exploratory group. Bi-monthly discussion groups focuses on one or two texts per semester examining topics such as the religious interface with physics and
- October 11, 2011
North Central Program for Science and Theology
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreMinnesota Consortium of Theological Schools; Science Faith Roundtable St. Paul, Minnesota The Minnesota Consortium includes Bethel Seminary, Luther Seminary, St. John’s University, University of St. Thomas, and United Theological Seminary. The Science Faith Roundtable, founded in 1986, represents an independent affiliation of scientists and religious leaders that meet monthly to discuss texts and “promote understanding of the relation of science
- October 11, 2011
Centro de Estudios en Ciencia y Religion (CECIR)
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreUniversidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) Founded in 2000, CECIR networks with area universities, theological schools, seminaries and interested scholars throughout the city of Puebla and surrounding area. The society explores of a wide variety of historical and contemporary subjects in the science-faith arena including examinations of Mayan and Aztec Cosmology, philosophy, quantum mechanics, evolutionary theory, and neuroscience;
- October 11, 2011
Seminario Interdisciplinario de Investigación Sobre el Humano: Ciencia, Filosofía y Teología (SIISHCFT) Interdisciplinary Seminar of Research on the Human Being: Science, Philosophy and Theology
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreUniversidad Intercontinental Mexico City This group enlists members of local academic and faith communities to explore the intersection of faith, bio-anthropological science, philosophy, theology, and psychoanalysis. Activities include bi-monthly discussions, forums of core members of the society, academic forums for the philosophy faculty and community (students, professors, and investigators), and hosting conferences in partnership with leading institutions in Mexico and
- October 11, 2011
Group Discussion of Science and Religion in Bioethics
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreInvestigaciones y Estudios Superiores, S.C. (Universidad Anáhuac) Mexico City This society brings together academics representing fields of philosophy, ethics, theology, and the sciences with Christian and Jewish clergy and interested members of the community. Topics include broad historic and specific overviews of religious insights into ethical considerations in the field of biomedical sciences to invite a deeper appreciation of the
- October 11, 2011
Foro de Diálogo Ciencia y Fe (Dialogue Forum on Science and Faith)
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreSociedad Educativa Champagnat, A.C.Universidad Marista de San Luis Potosí Located in central México, San Luis Potosí has a long tradition of cultural activity and boasts more than 20 universities and technical institutes. Technology and science have only recently had an impact on education and business in this region and present new perspectives and challenges for this traditionally humanities-oriented culture. The
- October 11, 2011
Creating Opportunities for Dialogue: Issues of Science and Faith
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreSouthwestern Ontario Chapter University of Western Ontario London, Ontario As a local chapter of the Canadian Scientific Christian Affiliation, this group is a professional association of women and men in science who share a common Christian faith and a commitment to the integrity of science. The organizing committee of this effort is comprised of local scientists, theologians, and clergy bringing
- October 11, 2011
Extending the Resource Network for the Science and Religion Dialogue
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreHamilton Area Science & Religion ForumMcMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Formally organized as a local section of the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation, this group engages scientists in medicine, biology, chemistry, physics, with psychologists, theologians, philosophers, and educators with an active interest in exploring and promoting the dialogue between science and faith. The core planners engage in ongoing dialogue and planning
- October 11, 2011
Science and Faith in the New Millennium
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreCanadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation Waterloo, Ontario The Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation is a national fellowship of scientists, teachers, and members of the public whose goal is that of exploration and education concerning the science-faith relationship, upholding the integrity of both Christian faith as a relevant means of expressing God’s love and the scientific method as a means of
- October 11, 2011
Vancouver Area Science and Religion Forum
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreTrinity Western UniversityLangley, British Columbia This project brings together members of a chapter of the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation with a steering committee comprised of scientists in a variety of fields, theologians, and philosophers sharing expertise and interest in science and faith. The group holds seminars at both Trinity Western University and the University of British Columbia exploring a
- October 11, 2011
Dialogue Engaging Faith, Science and the Environment
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreFaith and Environment A Rocha Canada, A Rocha International Vancouver, British Columbia This group brings together members of local academic and faith communities to explore “the intersection of faith, science, and the earth.” The society’s activities include public forums and presentations in a variety of church and academic settings on topics in the natural sciences, philosophy, and theological/Biblical studies. Discussions
- October 11, 2011
Forum for Dialogue Between Science and Religion
By the Editor on October 11, 2011Read moreUniversity of TorontoToronto, Ontario In conjunction with the Hindu Institute of Learning and the University of Toronto, this group holds a series of public seminars, lectures, and discussions on a variety of topics on science-faith issues, such as globalization, consciousness, purposefulness, forgiveness, bioethics and justice, from an Eastern perspective. Topics are chosen and explored with an emphasis on “illuminating the
- September 23, 2011
Exploring Contemporary Issues in Science, Religion and the Environment in an African Context
By the Editor on September 23, 2011Read moreNigerian Association for the Study and Teaching of Religion and the Natural Sciences (NASTRENS) University of Ilorin Ilorin With a core planning group of six members and a larger base of over thirty scholars representing over twenty disciplines, this society convenes monthly to explore a wide range of topics. These topics include the history of science, evolution, science and religion
- September 23, 2011
Association for the Study of the Interplay between Religion and Science (ASIRS)
By the Editor on September 23, 2011Read moreUniversity of Maiduguri Maiduguri, Borno State This group of scholars, representing four educational institutions in northeastern Nigeria, brings together academics with expertise in Islamic studies, education, science, and chaplaincy to this advanced regional outreach and engagement project. Focused on promoting science and religion dialogue on a broad and participatory level, core members come together to present seminars and workshops within
- September 23, 2011
Dialogue in Religion and Science Group (DRS)
By the Editor on September 23, 2011Read moreMoi UniversityEldoret This society has assembled a core group of participants, both professors and students, from the academic community of Moi University, Maseno University, and Western University of Science and Technology, representing the disciplines of religion, anthropology, botany, physics, chemistry, sociology, and language, to promote the public understanding of the critical value for a science and faith dialogue in Africa.