
  • Philosophy, Mathematics and Theology Group (PhiMaTh) SophiaEuropa

    By on October 13, 2011

    Faculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMathematics Institute University of Tübingen Tübingen The core working group of this SophiaEuropa initiative brings together faculty from the Universities of Tübingen and Freiburg in fields of mathematics, philosophy, and theology in exploration of the profound impact of mathematics as the language of science and its role for the development of science. Investigations will also link

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  • Conscience Forum SophiaEuropa

    By on October 13, 2011

    Department of Theology and Natural Science Forschungsstätte der Ev. Studiengemeinschaft (FEST) (Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research) Heidelberg The Protestant Institute was established after WWII as the first interdisciplinary research center in Germany to foster dialogue between theology, humanities and the natural sciences. Seeking to expand neuroscientific and philosophical studies of consciousness into a wider interdisciplinary spectrum to include theological reflection,

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  • Animal Consciousness, Philosophy of Mind, and Process Theology (ACPMPT)

    By on October 13, 2011

    Institute for Philosophical Foundations of Theology (IPFT) Department of Catholic Theology Universität Münster Münster A collaboration between three academic departments and one ecclesiastical institute, this society strives to establish a working platform for the interdisciplinary research focusing on the topic of the human-animal-relationship. Core membership brings together academics in philosophy of mind and nature, behavioral biology, and theology to articulate

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  • Wittenberg Bioethics Colloquium

    By on October 13, 2011

    Evangelische Akademie Sachsen-Anhalt Lutherstadt Wittenberg Wittenberg The aim of this society is to discuss bioethical issues from multidisciplinary perspectives with a special emphasis on science and religion. A team of experts in the sciences and humanities from the Protestant Academy of Saxony-Anhalt, the Center for Medicine, Ethics and Law, and Martin-Luther-University-Halle-Wittenberg join together to work on collaborative projects, with the

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  • Whitehead Research Group Augsburg

    By on October 13, 2011

    Chair of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science Institute of Interdisciplinary Informatics University of Augsburg Augsburg Founded in 2004, this society brings together philosophers, theologians, and scientists to consider the applications of process philosophy to “build a system of cosmology to encompass all kinds of human experiences, scientific, social and religious.” Since this is a relatively new field in Germany, the

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  • Aachen Science and Religion Network

    By on October 13, 2011

    Episcopal Academy of the Diocese of Aachen Chair for Systematic Theology, Faculty of Philosophy University of AachenAachen  Founded in 2002, this group combines membership representing five institutions, including both academic and religious-based organizations. The primary aim of the core membership is to make interdisciplinary themes accessible to the broader public by planning and hosting educational public events throughout the area.

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  • Dialogue Nature & Spirit / Dialog Nature & Geist

    By on October 13, 2011

    Katholische Akademie Hamburg Hamburg This society emerged from the Natural Sciences Working Group at the Protestant Academy of Hamburg, founded in 1992 to explore scientific, theological, and ethical aspects of the perception of nature, and is now hosted by the Catholic Academy of Hamburg. Current members bring perspectives from a collaboration of institutions including an Ecological Academy of the Protestant

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  • Science & Theology Discussion Group

    By on October 13, 2011

    Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal Duisburg This interdisciplinary group, in existence for many years, brings fifteen distinguished scientists, theologians, and clergy together to “explore fundamental issues in the current science and theology debate from the perspective of the history of German thought.” Topics include concepts of “critical realism” in comparison with insights of the philosophy of body, basic questions of the theology

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  • Naturwissenschaft und Glaube e.V. (Natural Science and Religious Belief)

    By on October 12, 2011

    Köln As part of a nonprofit organization in existence since 2001, this society brings together members to organize weekend seminars and lectures to promote public discourse with academics and researchers in the fields of science and theology in cooperation with educational institutions, parishes, and other religious organizations. The “Natural Science and Theology” group is associated with the Society of Catholic

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  • Science-Human Being-Religion

    By on October 12, 2011

    Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain Schmitten, Hessen This society brings together theologians, clergy, medical practitioners, mathematicians, ethicists, and scientists for a study/steering group to inform and direct activities and outreach efforts. They explore a range of metaphysical and worldview questions arising from the dialogue between science and religion. Striving to foster the dialogue between different disciplines in pursuit of new knowledge and

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  • Research Group in Science, Philosophy and Religion

    By on October 12, 2011

    Institute for Philosophy and Religion Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt This group has established an active society in the setting of a research center for science and religion. The core dialogue and planning group meets monthly, combining philosophers and theologians from Protestant and Catholic faculties, physicists, biologists, chemists, medical doctors, with philosophers of science for broad exploration and innovation in the

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  • Forum Boundary Questions

    By on October 12, 2011

    Akademie der Diozese Rottenburg-StuttgartStuttgart This forum, founded in February 2001, deals with the fundamental questions that arise when engaging in dialogue “from the boundary area of natural sciences and theology”. A network of scientists and academics involved in interdisciplinary research gather to exchange ideas and discuss the expanding landscape of topics that emerge. Such subjects as scientific and spiritual dimensions

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  • Arbeitskreis Naturwissenschaft-Theology

    By on October 12, 2011

    University of Giessen Evangelische Studentinnen-und Studentengemeinde Giessen In existence since 2000, this program expanded its offerings to the academic and spiritual community. Initially, there were two working discussion groups consisting of a group of professors and a group of doctoral and post-doc students at the university, which are now augmented by inviting members of other area universities to meetings. High-level

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  • Project Nouveau Regard-New Outlook Project

    By on October 12, 2011

    L’Abbaye de Wisques (Saint Paul de Wisques Abbey) and Université Interdisciplinaire de Paris (Interdisciplinary University of Paris) Paris Established in 1997, this program brings together scientists, artists, philosophers, theologians, and Benedictine nuns from the Abbey of Notre Dame, and Benedictine monks from Wisques Abbey to explore their converging and contrasting perspectives. This society is based on a core of twenty

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  • Collegium of Science and Religion at the University of Tartu

    By on October 12, 2011

    University of Tartu Tartu The Collegium was founded in February 2002, to “take up a tradition which was forgotten during half a century of imposed atheism”. A public forum, the Collegium acts as a catalyst for science and faith dialogue at the University of Tartu and nationally in academic, educational, and ecclesial circles. Members organize public lectures, conferences, collegial meals,

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  • Forum Teologi Naturvidenskab / Danish Science-Theology Forum

    By on October 12, 2011

    University of Aarhus Aarhus This group, numbering over 200 individuals, has existed since 1980. A series of 8 public lectures per year are offered, focusing on broadly significant topics, with interest to the scholar as well as the public. Independent study groups involve students and professionals from Aarhus University, University Hospital, area high schools, and members of the public, exploring

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  • Copenhagen Network for Science and Religion: Forum For Existence and Science

    By on October 12, 2011

    University of Copenhagen Copenhagen The Copenhagen Network combines the collaborative efforts of three interacting groups: The Copenhagen Research Priority on Religion in the 21st Century, the Center for Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies at Niels Bohr Institute, and the Forum for Science and Existence, Faculty of Theology. Steering committee members come from departments of systematic theology, theoretical biology, student

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  • Process, Person and Society: From Conflict to Interagency SophiaEuropa

    By on October 12, 2011

    Department of Philosophy and Communication Aarhus University Aarhus Members participating in the society are theologians, philosophers specializing in ontology, science, political philosophy, anthropology and evolutionary biology. The main purpose of the project is to explore the potential benefits of a ‘process view’ in the understanding of self and agentive domains and options from an individual and socio-political perspective. The project

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  • Croatia Study Group on Science and Spirituality (SGSS)

    By on October 12, 2011

    Department of Physics University of Zagreb Zagreb A pioneering effort – the first of its kind in Croatia – the core group of this society joins physicists, philosophers, biologists and scientific historians reaching out to local clergy and theologians (Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim) and scientific professionals to promote individual research, group work, and new transdisciplinary associations. Recognizing the “immense need for

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  • Religion, Values and Morality in Secularized and Multi-cultural Societies

    By on October 12, 2011

    Center for Psychology and Religion Université Catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve This initiative aims to encourage a dialogue within Belgian society between religious faiths, society, and science on the place and influence of religious beliefs, traditions, and innovative expressions on people’s values, ideals, moral, and ethical concerns in the face of increased secularization and multiculturalism. Taking advantage of previously accumulated empirical

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  • Research Group on the Soul and the New Naturalistic Challenge

    By on October 12, 2011

    Universität Innsbruck Comprised of scholars and professional in the fields of philosophy, metaphysics, cognitive science, analytic ontology, theology, psychology, psychiatry, developmental neurobiology, and medicine, the core group aspires to have a major impact on scientists working on the analysis of issues of human life. Through colloquia series, courses, seminars, public lectures and conferences members invite discussion and consideration of subjects

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  • Complementarity of Science and Theology

    By on October 12, 2011

    International Erwin-Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics Austrian Academy of Sciences Commission for the History of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Medicine Vienna The Complementarity of Science and Theology is a subgroup of the Commission for the History of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Medicine, founded in 1961 at the prestigious Austrian Academy of Science. With a core group representing fields of physics,

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  • Recognize the Wisdom Project

    By on October 12, 2011

    Vem Radio StationVem Foundation Gandaszar Theological Center Yerevan With several core groups of scientists and clergy, this project enhances a regular radio program exploring a broad variety of issues in science-theology including Christian, Muslim and Buddhist perspectives, physics and cosmology; economics and spirituality; and the impact of technological development on religious perceptions. Hosting recognized scientists and clergy of Armenia and

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  • Seminars and Conferences about Theology & Science and the Nature of Life

    By on October 12, 2011

    Instituto Cristiano para la Ecologia y el Desarrollo “Nuevo Creacion” The Christian Institute for the Ecology and Development – “New Creation” Lima With the objective of raising awareness of Christian leaders and professionals in the sciences regarding the positive relationship between natural science and theology, this society seeks to counter the sharp separation between Christian communities and secular science in

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  • Science & Spirituality Society

    By on October 12, 2011

    Fundación SOLES Santiago This project promotes the search for an integrated vision of human existence through convening a permanent dialogue among representatives of multiple fields of knowledge. Bringing together professionals in biology, neuroscience, psychology, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, and theology the group seeks to examine and develop conceptions of human being compatible with both spiritual insights and rational, scientific progress. Investigations

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  • Science-Theology Society of La Plata

    By on October 12, 2011

    Fundación Diálogio Entre Ciencia y Religión (DECYR) The Protestant School of Theology Instituto Universitario ISEDET Buenos Aires Catholic University in La Plata The main objective of the Science-Theology Society of La Plata is to create a framework for meetings and reflection, promoting an intellectual and spiritual sensitivity through the study of boundary questions between science, cosmology, and religion. The La Plata

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  • World Religions, Knowledge and Science (WoRKS) Group, Edwardsville

    By on October 12, 2011

    The Religious Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Edwardsville, Illinois The core membership of this society brings together faculty, students, professionals, clergy, and community leaders representing the disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, religious studies, philosophy, psychology, history, language, technology and ministry. Faith affiliations and scholarly expertise represented include Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Muslim, and Bahá’í tra ditions. WoRKS comes together

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  • Saint Vincent Science and Religion Discussion Forum

    By on October 12, 2011

    Saint Vincent College Latrobe, Pennsylvania Building upon many existing programs at Saint Vincent College, this group brings together members from a variety of disciplines in hard and social sciences, religious and philosophy to explore pressing issues, create a structured dialogue, and share insights with broader communities both locally and globally. The Benedictine hallmarks of community, care, hospitality, stewardship, and humility

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  • University of Sioux Falls Forum for Conversations in Theology and Science

    By on October 12, 2011

    University of Sioux Falls Sioux Falls, South Dakota Faculty, students and members of neighboring academic, religious, and scientific communities congregate monthly throughout the school year to participate in roundtable forums. A nationally recognized scholar will be invited to address the society and the community-at-large. The society hosts a widely publicized annual spring symposium to bring the work of each year

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  • Science and Religion Association of Azusa (SARAA)

    By on October 12, 2011

    Center for Research in ScienceAzusa Pacific University Azusa, California The steering committee of the ARS Society merges leaders of the Center for Research on Science and scholars of theology, natural, and social sciences. Outreach invites membership from students, faculty, staff, local clergy, and laity from the surrounding area. Monthly meetings led by members and invited guest lecturers focus on readings,

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  • Metaxu: The Alma College Society of Religion and Science

    By on October 12, 2011

    Alma College Alma, Michigan The founding core group combines an interdisciplinary representation of faculty from the fields of religious studies, philosophy, physics, psychology, biology, health science, mathematics, English, sociology, and language, as well as members of the community including Faculty Emeriti and other retirees from local and civic organizations. The dialogue “seeks common ground and consensus when possible, but not

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  • Discourse in Science and Theology (DST)

    By on October 12, 2011

    Academy for Christian Thought (ACT) New York, New York This program seeks to advance the dialogue between science and theology through a series of interdisciplinary discussions, lectures, reading groups, study sessions, and seminars. Bi-monthly committee meetings and quarterly public forums on science and major world religions invite scientists, philosophers, historians, theologians, and students of each field to present their worldviews

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  • Albertus Magnus Society for the Intersection of Religion and Science

    By on October 12, 2011

    Siena Center, Dominican University River Forest, Illinois Albertus Magnus, patron saint of scientists, is a thirteenth century Dominican famed for scientific discovery and a theology reflective of the emerging science of the day. Initial membership of this society comprises a diversity of faculty and area professionals in disciplines of applied sciences, political theory, Islamic epistemology, theology, natural science, sociology, physics,

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  • Baltimore Society for Science/Religion Understanding

    By on October 12, 2011

    Physics Department, Loyola College Maryland Baltimore, Maryland The mission of this society is to foster exploration of the relationships between science and religion in the academic and local community. Currently comprised of faculty and students from institutions of higher learning in the Baltimore area representing a variety of religious beliefs and disciplines including: chemistry, philosophy, theology, biology, physics, astronomy, pastoral

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  • Wesleyan University Colloquium for the Study of Science and Religion

    By on October 12, 2011

    Wesleyan University Middletown, Connecticut The Colloquium brings together a multidisciplinary group of members including university faculty, staff, and administrators from disciplines in the arts and humanities, social and natural sciences, and the office of the chaplains. Members actively seek to incorporate interested non-academic professionals from the surrounding community to join deliberations. This society seeks to inform and educate members and

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  • Science and Faith Program

    By on October 12, 2011

    Chesterton House Ithaca, New York In partnership with other local science-faith organizations in the vicinity of Cornell University, this group aims to mentor students pursuing careers in science through active inquiry in integrating faith and academic investigation. A reading group for students and local clergy meets bi-weekly for discussion centering on areas of interest. Regular visits from Cornell scientists to

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  • Working Group on Religion, Ethics and Nature

    By on October 12, 2011

    Ohio Northern University Ada, Ohio The principle objective of the Working Group is sponsorship of on-campus and local forums encouraging dialogue and interaction around the world’s diverse religious traditions, ethical theories, and the sciences. In particular, they are concerned with the ways that these interactions relate to the natural environment. The group hopes to encourage interdisciplinary conversation and collaboration between

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  • The Purdue Faith Communities’ Society for Science and Religion Dialogue

    By on October 12, 2011

    St. Thomas Aquinas Center and the Aquinas Educational Foundation Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana The intent behind this society is to create an ongoing dialogue among six groups with six distinct community-driven themes, growing to fifteen groups with fifteen themes, bringing together a cross-section of Purdue professors, students, clergy, and local laity. Dedicated to substantive exploration of subjects at the

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  • The Stetson Center for Science, Nature, and the Sacred

    By on October 12, 2011

    Department of Religious Studies, Stetson University Deland, Florida The core group of this Center consists of university faculty, students, and staff along with interested persons in Volusia County, Florida. The group is affiliated with the Stetson University Values Council, the central administrative means by which university values are embodied. The society sponsors nine monthly events that give balanced attention to

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  • Oklahoma Society for Science and Faith

    By on October 12, 2011

    Southern Nazarene University Bethany, Oklahoma The Oklahoma Society for Science and Faith explores the relationship between religious belief and scientific theories of cosmology and evolution. The goal of the society is to seek rational integration and coherence between what some consider incompatible ideas and to seek avenues that assist those within the Christian tradition to develop a consistent and sustainable

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  • The Commons Project

    By on October 12, 2011

    Office of Spiritual Life, DePauw University Greencastle, Indiana This initiative developed as an outgrowth of a faculty/staff book study group with membership including scientists, theologians, and informed laypersons. The project boasts open membership inviting faculty, staff, students, local public school teachers and professionals, and members of the local community. Project members engage in study, discussion, scholarly research, lectures, and colloquia.

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  • Cabrini College Initiative for Religion and Science

    By on October 12, 2011

    Cabrini College Radnor, Pennsylvania Regular local dialogues throughout the academic year invite the participation of faculty, administrators, staff, students, individuals from area institutions, and other members of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Consortium for Higher Education (an eight-member group of area Catholic private colleges that works collaboratively on projects). The society seeks to expand membership through a combination of small group book

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  • Shenandoah Anabaptist Science Society (SASS)

    By on October 12, 2011

    Eastern Mennonite University Harrisonburg, Virginia The focus of this society is to create an open and exploratory space for dialogue between scholars, practitioners, and students on subjects such as artificial intelligence, bioethics, nanotechnology, human consciousness, spirit and body, and origins. Composed of individuals, academic departments, and transdisciplinary organizations of the university, the society identifies and discusses issues at the intersection

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  • FOREST (Florida Organization on Religion, Environmental Science and Technology)

    By on October 12, 2011

    University of Florida, Religion Department Gainesville, Florida FOREST is an organization of interdisciplinary scholars in religion, botany, ecology, history of science, ecological anthropology, ethics, and political science, doctoral students in the Religion and Nature program, secondary school educators, and community members devoted to facilitating research, debate, and the dissemination of diverse perspectives at the intersection of religion, science, technology, and

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  • Rhodes-Memphis Colloquium on Religion and Science

    By on October 12, 2011

    Rhodes College, Department of Religious Studies Memphis, Tennessee The Colloquium brings together academics in science and religion, professional pastoral and medical practitioners, and laypersons with an interest in the science and religion dialogue. Six formal meetings per year are supplemented by six additional meetings of a Student Colloquium, for which there is advisory assistance and facilitation support from the faculty. The

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  • Terra Nova Community

    By on October 12, 2011

    Elon University Elon, North Carolina Including faculty from philosophy, English, political science, religious studies, physics, biology, and engineering, this group actively engages in issues of sustainable design and environmental remediation. Engaging leaders in science-oriented businesses, public agencies, community and citizens organizations, local members of Native American tribes, local clergy, and the general public in outreach, this Society is bringing together

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  • Montana Symposium on Religion and Science

    By on October 12, 2011

    University of Great Falls Great Falls, Montana The Montana Symposium is the successor organization to an informal group consisting of faculty and staff who meet to discuss issues of science and faith in integrated learning communities on the campus. Membership consists of representatives of both hard- and soft-sciences and the humanities, including theology, religion, biology, English, psychology, natural science, philosophy,

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  • Psychiatry and Spirituality Forum

    By on October 12, 2011

    Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine University of California Irvine Dana Point, California The Psychiatry and Spirituality Forum promotes scholarly and educational initiatives exploring the connection between patients’ mental health and religious, spiritual, philosophical, and moral convictions. Forum members include attending physicians, resident physicians, medical students, scholars and practitioners from related disciplines. Participants share the belief that modern psychiatry has

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  • The Science and Religion Colloquium at Carthage

    By on October 12, 2011

    Carthage College Kenosha, Wisconsin This society brings together a consortium of faith communities and academic institutions in southeastern Wisconsin that are committed to providing a source for educational information and a forum for civil discourse on some of the most critical issues facing society today. The core planning/steering committee is composed of scholars in sciences and the humanities, along with

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  • Bay Area Science and Spirit Dialogues

    By on October 12, 2011

    Science and Spiritual Transformation Working Group Institute for Noetic Sciences Petaluma, California The purpose of this society is to develop a new working group of IONS researchers, extended faculty, and collaborators at affiliated academic and religious institutions. The Bay Area Science and Spirit Dialogues focus on creating a forum for thoughtful, dynamic dialogue and ongoing collaboration between scientists, religious teachers,

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