Intelligent Design and Its Critics

  • Intelligent Design: From Whence and Why

    By on June 4, 2006

    The first section of this presentation analyses the issues in the ongoing controversy over evolution and Intelligent Design. Subsequent sections describe some recent ideas in evolutionary theory and in theological reflection (including the contributions of several speakers at this conference) which offer alternatives to the “conflict of science and religion” presented in the media coverage of the recent federal court

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  • Vedic Creationism in America, by Meera Nanda

    By on April 7, 2006

    Metanexus Bios. 1,862 Words. モDarwin is under attack in America yet again. Exactly eighty years since the Scopes モmonkey trial,ヤ the teaching of Darwinメs theory of evolution is facing legal challenges in many parts of the country. A major trial pitting creationism against Darwin is under way in Dover, Pennsylvania, while the fate of another trial is awaited in Cobb

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  • Varieties of Design Arguments

    By on April 6, 2006

    Metanexus Sophia. 12,302 Words. “The purpose of this paper is to examine some specifically philosophical questions about the current debate in selected North American public schools about including what is commonly called “intelligent design” (ID) as part of the schools’ official science curriculum. The issues I will raise focus around two broad questions: First, what is the logical status of

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  • Evolution and Intelligent Design

    By on December 24, 2005

    1. Introduction   Intelligent Design is a successor to creationism, but more subtle and more acceptable of the evolution theory. It arose from biochemist Michael Behe’s book Darwin’s Black Box,1 and was seconded, mainly on statistical grounds, by William Dembski.2 They claim that certain complex systems, like the immune system, bloodclotting, visual mechanism and bacterial flagella, cannot have arisen from

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  • Beyond Intelligent Design

    By on May 5, 2005

    The core of the evolution wars is whether a scientific understanding of biology allows room for religious and philosophical commitments to purpose in human life, purposes that somehow also must connect to the unfolding history of the universe.

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